muskanat gharb

Area: 34107 hectares…

The project was divided into three phases:

The first stage: its irrigated area is 21482.3/ hectares, from farm No. 1 to farm No. 12.

The second phase: its irrigated area is /22938.5/ha, and the net area is/21203.2/ha, from farm No./13/ to farm/26/.

The third stage (postponed): its irrigated area is /13112.8/ha and the net irrigated area is/12201.9/ha


The investment of the Maskana West project was started at the beginning of 1980, when the first and second phases of the project were implemented


Design Irrigation System and Total Irrigation Efficiency: Conventional Surface Irrigation with Open Network of Prefabricated Canals (Efficiency of 65%)

As for the drainage system: the exposed drains and part of the covered drainage system were implemented with the implementation of the project, and the covered drainage was completed in 1995.