suhul halab aljanubia

Which will be irrigated with fresh water from the Euphrates River and includes three stages as follows

  1. The first phase, on an area of ​​25 thousand hectares, is located to the south and west of the city and was under implementation at the beginning of the crisis, and the first system was under receipt
  2. The second phase covers an area of ​​25 thousand hectares within the administrative borders of the governorates of Aleppo and Idlib and is located to the west of the first phase

  3. The third phase covers an area of ​​15 thousand hectares and is located east of the first phase, south of the city of Aleppo
  4. The main channel has been completed up to 116.4 km and 7400 hectares of the first phase and these works were in progress at the beginning of the crisis

  5. The Foundation rehabilitated the first tranche on an area of ​​about 3000 hectares of the first system ML-2 out of 7400 hectares of the total area of ​​the system and it is planned to introduce it into irrigation for the next 
  6. agricultural season 2021-2022

  7. The project consists of a modern pressurized irrigation network that feeds from the main channel of the Euphrates River and includes part of the Khan Tuman and Al Hader plains in the southern countryside of Aleppo